Thursday, April 14, 2011


If given more time on the project I would add a few more things in my trailer. These are:
  • Explosions were meant to be in one of the scenes, but due to time, couldn't be added in the final version of the trailer. This could be done by loading a picture of an explosion onto a plane and adding it to the scene. Lights could also be used to make a small flash of light for several frames.
  • Snow Spray could be added to the back of the Parahawks after they have landed. This would be done using one of the particle systems available on 3ds Max. The snow spray wasn't added in the final version due to time restraints and my limited knowledge of how to use particle systems. This however could have been solved by searching the Internet of using one of the 3ds tutorials.
  • The character model would also be redone completely adding more details to the face and clothes. With these added features, there could have been more close-ups of Bond, because at the moment due to the quality of the current model no close-ups are shown of Bond.
  • Sound Effects were also meant to be added to the final trailer. However good free sound effects couldn't be found. These sound effects would have mostly been the sound of the Parahawks (snow mobile engine and sound of rotor blade) and skiing noise.

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