The final Model was James Bond who is on skies. Because the trailer would mostly be about the Parahawks chasing Bond, we will only ever see long or medium shots of bond. This means that not much detail must go into the James Bond model. A box with segments three by three was created in the front plane. The top Corners were then pulled out to create the shoulders and the arms were created using the extrude tool on the shoulders. The bottom corners of the box were pulled up so that the legs could be made the same way as the arms. The knees in the legs were then pulled out and the elbows were pushed in.
Feet where then added using extrude technique. Because Bond will only be holding Ski sticks throughout the trailer, it was not necessary to create the fingers. Instead bevel was used to create a closed fist.
Mesh smooth was then used to smooth the model of bond over. A ski was made using a thin box which was curved at the front to resemble skis. This was copied and added to the other foot. To create the ski sticks, a 2D slice of the stick drawn in one of the views. Lathe was then used to create a 3D object to create the ski stick. This was also copied and put in the other hand.